Townson Owners Association
(Incorporating Townson 32 Association)

Our Story
In his “search for perfection” in yacht design, Des Townson designed a 32 foot keeler which he named “Moonlight”. Quickly following on with the concept, Des designed and built “Starlight” before making modifications to produce his ultimate in the 32’s, “Twilight” in 1971. 72 others followed in the ensuing years. These three designs have proved a very successful family cruiser/racer initially for around the Hauraki Gulf.
In recent years, the Townson 32’s have spread as far south as Christchurch and north to Whangaroa, successfully racing and cruising in these waters. Some were slightly modified to comply with New Zealand’s Offshore Safety category and have raced and cruised to Australia, Fiji and New Caledonia as excellent fast offshore vessels, ideal for tropical cruising.

Townson Yachts by Design numbers
Townsons - All Designs by Description